2017 NPAGA Tournament & Convention Hotel Information

Hello PAGA National Board, Delegates and Members:

PAGA of Austin is proud to announce reservations can now be made at our host Hotel for Nationals in 2017! We know you will find the Crowne Plaza to be fantastic Host for our 2017 National PAGA Convention and Tournament. Make your reservations now by either following this link:

Pan American Golf Association

Or call 877 – 2 – CROWNE. Provide the Agent with code: PAGA.

The room rates are $99 per tax, Wi-Fi and parking are included. There are also upgrade and other options available on line. Overflow Hotels are under negotiation and we will provide that information to you as soon as it is available.

BOOK YOUR ROOM NOW! Look forward to seeing all our Members in Austin July 24 through July 28 for Nationals!

National Co-Chairs: Roy Sosa: email trsosa@swbell.net or call 512,632.1573

National Co-Chairs: Debbie Oliva Rangel: email do0863@att.com or call 210.415.2684

2 Responses to 2017 NPAGA Tournament & Convention Hotel Information

  1. What is the physical address of the Crowne Plaza in Austin TX set for the 24-28 July 2017 Tournament

  2. what other hotels can a member register if the Crown is booked already?


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