2016 National Convention & Tournament

» 2016 National Convention & Tournament Registration Form (PDF)

» 2016 National Convention & Tournament Registration Form (Excel)

» 2016 National Convention & Tournament Event Schedule (PDF)

» NPAGA Junior Tournament Consent & Liability Release Form (PDF)


NPAGA 2016 Nat Con 800 2

15 Responses to 2016 National Convention & Tournament

  1. Please, I need the name and phone number of the host hotel.

    • Tower Hotel Oklahoma City
      For the 2016 National Tournament & Convention
      In Oklahoma City
      July 24 – 31, 2016
      A Block of rooms has been reserved for the PAGA Nationals at
      a special room rate of $104.00 per night plus tax. Just call (405) 842-6633 for reservations

  2. Evening

    At the 2016Winter Meeting in Harlingen, Texas and the 2016 National in Oklahoma City will you be offering booth space for vendors displaying and selling golf equipment and related items to the participants.
    Thank you

    Larry V Notley
    Pockit Sports Co

  3. Hey Les!
    Can you give us an idea the golf courses you intend to use and possibly where the individual flight will go?

  4. I couldn’t find any information on registration for our Junior golfers. Where do I get them signed up. Thanks

  5. Please post the Junior registration and liability forms on the website or email them to me.

    Thank you,

    Juan Bergara
    Dallas PAGA
    Nat’l Delegate

  6. I’m trying to find out about activities for children. What are they? When, how much? Thank you.

    Stella Carrasquillo,

  7. When will you post the where the flights will play? I’d like to stay at a hotel close to the course i’m playing at. Thanks.

  8. When will the flights and course information be available?

  9. Looking at the events schedule, I see the Ladies are having a Golf Meeting , on Monday, July 25th, 2016. I plan to golf but will not arrive at Headquarts until late Monday. Is there any change for this Ladies Golf Meeting?

  10. It’s July 20th and still no flights assignments to courses yet?

  11. Where the different flights Playing? Fred

  12. July 22, 2016, I would like to see the national tournament handicap number breakdown / split posted. We are less than a week away and I would like to post it on our Chapter website.

  13. Will you be posting the results of the OK tournament? If not, where can I view the results?

  14. When are you going to return skins for the 5th flights second day which was not played?


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